

英语翻译 于美国大学面试的问题

英语翻译 美国大学面试 面试技巧

本人马上就要面对美国特拉华州立大学的面试了 希望能得到朋友们的帮忙 当然 分不会少!!!就是麻烦帮忙翻译下我想好的对话吧~(好的回答本人会追加50--100分不等)
1.自我介绍: 非常荣幸的能向您介绍我自己!我叫XXX,19岁,你可以叫我JACK 我是一名来自中国东部城市的学生,非常高兴能参加这个面试,给我一个留学美国的机会,我是一个非常喜欢运动的人,最喜爱的运动是打篮球,高中时我是学校篮球队的一名队员,很早的时候我便向往能在美国看NBA。。我的另一个爱好就是音乐,从小我就练习小提琴,现在已经过了10级。每当我心情不好的时候我就会拉小提琴,音乐能让我感到愉快,忘记那些不开心的事情。 2.我学习的是专业是商科,因为这个大学的商科学院非常有名,通过了AACSB的认证,通过学校的网站我了解到这个学校的教学水平高,环境优越,占地面积大,地理位置非常优越,学费相对的低廉 我希望能在这所大学里交到更多的美国朋友 (希望有经验的朋友能帮我补充一些有用的回答,最好能有些他可能会问到的问题 感激不尽!一定追加分数!!!)

阅读(390) 分享 2016-07-25 15:27:22




It's a great pleasure for me to introduce myself. My Chinese name is xxx and I also go by the name jack, that's what all my international friends call me. I am 19 years old and I'm a student from Eastern China. I appreciate the opportunity for this interview because it gives me a chance to go study in the United States.

I've always enjoyed the sports, my favorite is the Basketball. Having played on the varsity team in my high school, I became a big fan of nba and began to dream about watching the nba games in the States very early on. Another one of my interest is music, I started violin lessons when I was little, now I've already past level 10. Whenever I feel down and out I would turn to music, playing violin helped me get over those unpleasant things in life.

My intended major is in business commerce, because Delaware State is renown for its Business school - it is an aacsb accredited institution. From the website I can see that the university offers a top quality teaching staff, a beautiful campus with a vast area in an excellent location. Yet the tuition is relatively inexpensive, within my affordable range. I look forward to making lots of friends while studying here.

1. 口语英文和书面报告是截然不同的,必须简单扼要,避免语法复杂的语句,可是仍需讲究句型变化,免得听来听去老是听到 "I am 。。。" 开头的句式。
2. 参照你的本意我翻译了这份讲稿,但也根据上述原则在句子结构和用字遣词上作出了相应调整。如果你读过后还有其他想法,这两天还可以在线与我探讨。


