
do your homework.做你的家庭作业
bring in your homework.把你的作业拿来
go over the answers.核对你作业的答案
correct your mistakes.修改你的错误答案
share a book.共同分享一本书
discuss the question.讨论问题
help each other.互相帮助
work together.共同完成任务、共同工作
look in the dictionary.看字典
look up a word.查找单词
pronounce the word.读出单词
read the definition.解释意思
copy the word.抄下,拷贝单词
work alone./do your own work.独立完成自己的任务
work with a partner.跟你的拍档完成任务
work in a group.小组工作
match the work .将匹配的单词连线
fill in the blank.填空
answer the questions.回答问题
check your answer.检查你的答案
underline the word.在单词下画线
cross out the word.×掉单词
write on the chalkboard.写在黑板上
erase the board.擦黑板
sit down/take your seat.坐下
raise you hand.举手
listen to question.听问题
ask a question.问一个问题
sign your name.签名
close your book.合上你的书
open your book.打开你的书
read page ten.读第十页
sorry?/can you say again?请再说一遍.一般用sorry?就可以了