


You did not satisfy Subclause 600.211 of the Migration Regulations 1994, which reads that:

The applicant genuinely intends to stay temporarily in Australia for the purpose for which the visa is granted, having regard to:
(a) whether the applicant has complied substantially with the conditions to which the last substantive visa, or any subsequent bridging visa, held by the applicant was subject; and
(b) whether the applicant intends to comply with the conditions to which the Subclass 600 visa would be subject; and
(c) any other relevant matter.

In assessing these criteria I have taken into account the information provided in your visa application form, as well as supporting documents relating to your personal and financial circumstances in China.

I note that you have provided some evidence of your financial standing, however, the amounts/assets noted could not be considered a significant incentive for your return from travel to Australia.

More specifically, your claimed income cannot be considered significant in the context of the likely costs of a temporary stay in Australia, or be considered to demonstrate an incentive to return to China after a trip to Australia.

In light of the above considerations, I am not satisfied that you genuinely intend to stay temporarily in Australia for the purpose you have stated, and therefore find that you do not satisfy Subclause 600.211.

阅读(110) 分享 2017-10-06 15:24:54






